Last update: 09/11/2022
Movired 2000 S.L.: Process reengineering consultancy. Custom software development.
In this section, the Movired management team will define the quality policy that it implements on a company-wide basis.
The quality policy is reviewed in keeping with the quality management system procedure and updated by reviewing this document.
Based on the quality policy, and within the system review procedure, the management team will define measurable quality targets.
The Movired management team sets out to uphold its recent growth and focus on services with greater added value. These services are geared towards projects that involve:
- Knowledge of the customer, their needs and expectations.
- Understanding of the environment. Adaptation of the customer’s needs to the environment.
- Thorough internal analysis of project viability.
- Feedback to the customer on proposals to make their project viable.
- Formulation of requirements.
- Compliance with legal, regulatory and customer requirements.
- Resource planning.
- Reinvestment of profits into technical resources.
- Employee training in new technologies to deliver projects more effectively.
- Setting of quantifiable goals and analysis of compliance with already set goals.
- In-company communication about goals, requirements and resources.
- Process engineering, including the definition, optimisation and documentation, where necessary, of all activities that have an impact on compliance with the formulated requirements.
- Monitoring which staff perform their jobs according to the quality procedures, instructions and plans, in order to comply with requirements.
- Optimisation of the use of internal resources in order to offer a quality and affordable service.
- Monitoring of goals and customer satisfaction.
- Monitoring of internal (workforce) and external (customers and suppliers) proposals for the continuous improvement of the quality management system and process reengineering.
These lines of action are present in each project and draw on feedback on the results obtained during and after the completion of a project, particularly focussing on customer opinions.
In order to ensure that the quality system is understood, implemented and maintained by all levels of the company, the management team will hold internal briefings.
Each employee must therefore take responsibility for the quality of their own work.
According to a Quality Management System based on ISO9001:2015, Movired is carrying out and recording an annual evaluation of its providers considering the following aspects:
- Price.
- Delivery period.
- Quality of service.
- Amount of nonconforming products.
Movired will not establish or keep any business deals with companies who do not meet the appropriate level of the above-mentioned criteria.